
Would you like to be a Volunteer? Volunteering can be fun, challenging and most of all satisfying. It can help you to make new friends, and learn new skills. You can be a volunteer in many different fields here at 95.3 & 98.5 Huon FM, including an On Air Announcer, Office Administration Assistant, Production Assistant, and Landscaper.

You can also become a Volunteer at the station by filling out the application form and return it. For more information you can call into our station at 10 School Rd, Geeveston, and chat to our friendly staff, or by phone on (03) 6297 1706 during office hours. There is a $15.00 yearly membership fee required, this covers you and Huon and Kingston FM for public insurance purposes.

Huon and Kingston FM is overseen by a Management Committee, who are voted in by the members at the Annual General Meeting. Huon and Kingston FM is run by Community Members on behalf of the Management Committee.

Membership of Huon and Kingston FM entitles you to voting rights at the annual general meeting. Your vote carries as much weight as any other vote. Membership is valid subject to committee approval for one financial year.

You can download an on line form here membership online form 2024 then either drop it into the station or email it back to us at

Membership Fees

Single Membership

Couples Membership (not gender specific)

Family Membership ( 2 parents + all children under 18 years old)


$60.00 Full   $30.00 concession/volunteer


Members who volunteer time at the station $15.00
Concession card holders & Students $15.00


[wp_cart_button name=”MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT” price=”15-50″ var1=”Single Adult|$30″ var2=”Single Concession|$15″ var3=”Family|$50″]



Huon and Kingston  FM is committed:

  • to providing excellence in alternative programming
  • to presenting updates of social, sporting & special community events
  • to involving local schools and community organisations, councils and governmental bodies
  • to providing work experience to the unemployed and youth

all of which are relevant to the Huon Valley, Kingborough, Bruny Island and Channel Regions.